Arabian Open Shows
Minnesota Arabian Open Shows and MAHA are nothing new. Back in 1997 MAHA Youth had our first open show for Arabians with a WSCA Judge. That was the beginning of reaching out to the Arabian owners who only showed at Open shows. Since then we have actively supported Arabians in every way we could. Arabians Unplugged (AU) came about in 2005, when Anita Grant and Laura Mickelson were invited to brainstorm and discuss an idea of a Arabian circuit of shows with, Julie Hendrickson, Lisa Lewis and Kelly Kraay, of the The Minnesota-Iowa Horse Society, which is now the Arabian Horse Amateur Alliance. Before long Laura and Anita had the Northern Arabian Horse Association, The MN Half Arabian Horse Association and Minn-I-Kota Arabian Horse Association on board and the fun began.
The first Minnesota Arabian Horse Association (MAHA) Arabian Open Show Championships (AOSC) in 2006 added classes at the Steele County Fee Fair in Owatonna. By 2007 we were a stand alone show and is the final show for AU. The show is put on by MAHA as a promotional event. It is dependent on the generosity of our patrons, sponsors and the support of our judges and volunteers. The AOSC show is a low cost show with top quality awards, not to mention our mystery money, and participant ribbons for those competing for high point. Be sure to check out our current show bill.
Arabians Unplugged (AU) has grown through the years and is dedicated to the promotion of affordable, fun, family friendly showing of Arabians, Half Arabians and Anglo Arabians, unplugged from the current rated Arabian shows. Did we mention if your Arabian does not have reg. papers that isn’t a problem but we do reserve the right to inspect those that don’t and give a thumbs up. We have yet to have to turn anyone away. A.U. qualifying shows allow Arabian horse exhibitors to show against their peers amongst their own breed. All will be automatically enrolled into a no cost for the year end, circuit high point. Be sure to visit and join the Arabians Unplugged Facebook group page. Each year our Highpoint Banquet grows and we have an enthusiastic mix of exhibitors and friends gather to take home the impressive awards and discuss the future of the A.U. Circuit.
For show rules, high point rules and results go to Our annual Banquet is held in November at the Pizza Ranch in Champlin, MN. 1-4 Date to be determined. We hope to see you all at the Banquet this year!
MAHA started The Open Show Calendar in 2005 and it is emailed to an ever growing list of people who are interested in the Open shows.
Anyone interested on being on the list or has a change in email please contact

MAHA is a member of the Western Saddle Clubs Association (WSCA) MAHA members are WSCA members at no additional cost, but must submit their name, address, phone number to Carole Thuringer at so they can be added to the WSCA list , which is due the end of May.
The WSCA Championship show at The Minnesota State Fairgrounds is the second largest horse show in the USA, running five days with over 4000 entries.
The AHA open Event Incentive Program (OEIP) rewards both riders and horses that excel in all-breed competitions outside of the traditional Arabian horse community. As a participant in OEIP, you and your horse will accumulate points based on how you place in competitions and be rewarded for all your achievements and hard work. More information can be found at the
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