Young girl in pink cowboy hat excitedly walking by a grey Arabian horse at the Minnesota Horse Expo

MAHA launches new lesson giveaway program

During the Minnesota Horse Expo, April 26-28, the Minnesota Arabian Horse Association (MAHA) launched a new lesson give away program with attendees and is excited to announce the winners who live across the state. 

Each of the 12 winners receive a package of two lessons from an area Arabian horse trainer on an Arabian or Half-Arabian horse. Lesson package winners include Sydney C., Katie L., Emillie A., Megan D., Brandon W., Jackie C., Daniel P., Kristine M., Raina G., Beth R., Shannon S. and Valerie A.. 

Thank you to the following Arabian horse trainers who are offering their services to help introduce new enthusiasts to the Arabian and Half-Arabian horse:

Nearly 150 MN Horse Expo attendees registered for the lesson packages across three days at the St. Paul, MN event. Look for more coverage of the lesson experiences in the coming weeks. details and pictures of the lessons on our social media platforms. 

MAHA launched the program to help other Minnesota horse enthusiasts experience the thrill of Arabian and Half-Arabian horses and to help kick off Meet an Arabian Horse Month.

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